Threats and attacks on media organizations by PM Rama, Tirana, 14.09.2021

    Country AL
    Name and Surname Klan Kosova Journalists
    Gender Group
    Date 14/01/2021
    City / Location Tirana
    Type of incident Threats against media outlets and organizations
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Edi Rama
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Klan Kosova
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    During a press conference in September between Prime Minister Edi Rama and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the former refused to take questions from Kosovo journalists.

    Enis Recica, a journalist with Klan Kosovo, claimed that journalists from six different Kosovo media waited for 40 minutes to be given a chance to ask questions but were never given permission to do so. They noted that the journalists were all accredited and appeared in person. Journalists said they were not allowed to ask any questions to either Rama or Merkel.

    A video published on Facebook shows the journalists sitting with their hands in the air, waiting to ask questions, but to no avail.