Denigrating language towards journalists, Pristina, 09.02.2022

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 09/02/2022
    City / Location Pristina
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom Aggressive public declarations by state officials
    Name of the perpetrator Prindon Sadriu
    Source Facebook
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction The Association of Journalists of Kosovo - AJK, is alarmed with the language used by Prindon Sadriu. These accusations and attacks coming from President’s husband who also is a high ranking diplomat with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs add to the insecurity of journalists in Kosovo. Recently, language of spokespersons of other members of the ruling party towards journalists is unacceptable and a direct pressure for the work they do.

    Kosovo’s First Gentleman, Prindon Sadriu, used denigrating language towards journalists and media in Kosovo, labeling them “a joint criminal enterprise”.

    “When representatives of a Joint Criminal Enterprise, ‘journalists’ of informal politics, people involved in racketing and misuse of millions, give lessons. These are the people who slander who paid 1.200 US Dollars for a night at Hotel Interconntinental Manhattan, or paid a breakfast $50 per person (their lunches and dinners going up to thousands of dollars)”, Sadriu wrote late Tuesday.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, is alarmed with the language used by Prindon Sadriu. These accusations and attacks coming from President’s husband who also is a high ranking diplomat with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs add to the insecurity of journalists in Kosovo. Recently, language of spokespersons of other members of the ruling party towards journalists is unacceptable and a direct pressure for the work they do.