Other threats, Slobodan Doknić, Nikšić, 10.11.2021.

    Country MN
    Name and Surname Slobodan Doknić
    Gender Male
    Date 10/11/2021
    City / Location Nikšić
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator D.R.
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name TVCG
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) Criminal Code 168
    Public prosecutor Criminal charge filled
    Was journalist`s association informed No
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police Case was initiated ex officio by the Prosecutor’s Office

    On 10.11.2021. a case of obstruction of the journalist of the Television of Montenegro, Slobodan Doknić, in the performance of work duties was reported to the Security Center in Nikšić. During an interview at the Health Center in Nikšić, an unidentified person approached him and addressed him with the words: “Don’t film over here, I will break you and that camera.”

    Police identified D.R. and after consultation with the Basic State Prosecutor from Nikšić on December 10, 2021. filed criminal charges for endangering the safety of journalists.