A person made explicit threats to journalists and media online

    Земјата MK
    Име и презиме Arben Esati
    Пол Mашки
    Датум 22/03/2021
    Градот Tetovo
    Вид на напад Закани по животот и екстремитетите на новинарите
    Од кого Од страна на граѓанин
    Сторителот / осомничениот Арбен Есати
    Тип на медиум Електронски Онлајн
    Дали здружението на новинари било информирано? Да
    Дали нападот е пријавен во полиција/власти? Случајот беше пријавен во полиција
    Закани по животот и безбедноста на новинарите Онлајн закани по живот или физички напад (социјални мрежи или емаил)

    The Ministry of Interior submitted notification to AJM that criminal charges had been filed against A.E. (36) from the village of Tearce, Tetovo, due to the existence of grounds for suspicion for having committed criminal offense “endangering security” against journalists. The response of the Ministry of Interior about this case is welcomed and the next step is immediate proactivity by the prosecution and then the court in order for those who violate the rights of journalists to be brought before the justice.

    We remind you that on March 22, 2021, the Association of Journalists of Macedonia submitted request to the SIA Tetovo to act on reports of threats to the safety of journalists and media on the social network Facebook. This is case in which the profile Arben Esati of this social network published content followed by explicit threats against journalists and media workers from the media: Without Censorship, TV 21, Gazeta Express, Tetova Sot, Koha TV, Koha News, Kumanova Sot, TV Shenja and Lajm Press.

    Arben Esati published content that caused feeling of fear and insecurity by endangering the lives of some of the journalists from these media and members of their families.

    Following the urgency by AJM and in coordination with some of the journalists affected by this case, a reasoned request was submitted to the Ministry of Interior for immediate investigation.

    This is the first serious case of violation of the rights of journalists registered by AJM in 2021. We remind you that in 2020 AJM recorded a total of 14 attacks and serious threats against journalists and only one case had a court ruling.