Attacks on media houses and organizations, Danas, Belgrade, August 31, 2021.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Danas
    Gender Group
    Date 31/08/2021
    City / Location Belgrade
    Type of incident Threats against media outlets and organizations
    By whom Aggressive public declarations by state officials
    Name of the perpetrator Aleksandar Vučić
    Type of media print
    Media name Danas
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was not reported to the police

    In a live broadcast from Bled on TV Pink, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić criticized the front page of Danas and the text of the economic column on the differences between the consumer basket and the average salary and pension from 2010 to 2020. He stated: “In Djilas’ newspaper, they brutally put together every issue about the consumer basket in 2010 and today. They begin to believe their own lies, like those people who address themselves in the third person. They have short legs in the lie, so we denied every number. And I am asking Miladin Kovacevic, the director of the Republic Bureau of Statistics, to come out publicly with the numbers. ”
    Vučić also criticized the front page of the issue from Wednesday, September 1, regarding the text on the surplus of deaths in Serbia, which was published by the London Economist, and according to which the government, as we announced, covered up the number of deaths from the crown.