Denigrating language towards journalists, Pristina, 21.03.2022

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 21/03/2022
    City / Location Pristina
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Luan Dalipi
    Type of media online
    Source Facebook
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction AJK considers that such a public call by Prime Minister Kurti's closest ally in the Government is very dangerous, and an open call for denigrating language towards journalists. Mr. Dalipi's language is a continuation of the attacks coming from the parliamentary majority in Kosovo, which directly endangers the safety of journalists and aggravates the climate of doing journalism in the country.

    Luan Dalipi – Chief of Staff of Prime Minister Kurti, through a Facebook post today unprecedentedly attacked Kosovo’s media by linking them to “criminal businesses”, and calling on those he distinguishes as “dignified citizens” to boycott them.

    AJK considers that such a public call by Prime Minister Kurti’s closest ally in the Government is very dangerous, and an open call for denigrating language towards journalists.

    Mr. Dalipi’s language is a continuation of the attacks coming from the parliamentary majority in Kosovo, which directly endangers the safety of journalists and aggravates the climate of doing journalism in the country.