Attack on the property of journalists, Aleksandar Milinković, Popučke, December 4, 2021.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Aleksandar Milinković
    Pol Muški
    Datum 04/12/2021
    Grad Valjevo
    Tip incidenta Napadi na novinare
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da

    In the village of Popucke near Valjevo, a citizen dissatisfied with the roadblock organized by other citizens, approached the cameraman of TV Valjevo plus from Valjevo, Aleksandar Milinković, who was reporting from this gathering.

    Entering the verbal argument, that person, with threats and shouts, first hit the camera in Milinković’s hands with his fist and disabled him to work.