State Department Report: Journalists encountered difficulties in obtaining information from the government and public institutions


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, expresses concern about the main findings of the US State Department Report on Kosovo.

The report published this week states that despite the general respect for freedom of expression, there were still attempts to intimidate media representatives by politicians, public figures, businesses, and religious groups.

The report notes that funding problems also undermined media independence, as well as difficulties in obtaining information from the Government and public institutions.

“Journalists encountered difficulties in obtaining information from the government and public institutions, notwithstanding laws providing access to public documents.”

According to the report, the independent media were active and expressed a variety of views, generally without restrictions. However, some government officials, political parties, government-affiliated businesses, religious groups, and disgruntled individuals pressured media owners, editors, and journalists not to publish certain stories or materials.

The US State Department cites reports by the Association of Journalists of Kosovo on the physical attack on Visar Duriqi, the interview of Parim Olluri by Prosecution on vaccine reporting, and the threat of Vetëvendosje MP Haki Abazi to the Albanian Post portal, as the three of the most serious incidents in 2021.

AJK estimates that the findings of the report should be an alarm for the country’s institutions that should be engaged in creating a better and safer environment for journalism.

AJK also calls upon media owners to allow journalists to report without being censored and fearing that they will lose their jobs.