Thaçi – Mehmeti shares her experience as an investigative journalist at the Safe Journalists Regional Conference


Ardiana Thaçi Mehmeti – a journalist from Klan Kosova shared her experience in investigative journalism within the panel on violence and problems that female journalists face in the region at a regional conference organized by Safe Journalists Network.

“In Kosovo, violence against female journalists is not necessarily physical, but more psychological. We are under pressure to give up at the first obstacle”, said Thaçi Mehmeti.

She focused her speech on a research she did in 2019 while she was working for KTV. The research was related to the employment and corrupt affairs in Telecom of Kosovo, as well as the offers and pressure that she had at the time to give up reporting for this case.

Thaçi Mehmeti was a guest speaker at the Regional Conference of Safe Journalists, where the Association of Journalists of Kosovo is participating, together with the associations of 6 other countries of the Western Balkans.