RSF: Kosovo made progress, but still remains among the “problematic countries” regarding Press Freedom


Reporters Without Borders has published today the World Press Freedom Index, which ranks Kosovo 61st, unlike last year when it was in 78th place.

While this is a welcome development, Kosovo continues to remain in the category of “problematic countries”, according to this organization.

The report considers the Kosovo media scene to be diverse and praises the process of selecting the RTK Board by the Kosovo Assembly last year. But the report lists a number of concerns.

“Although the journalistic profession enjoys society’s respect, independent media and investigative journalists are often victims of insults and fake news on social networks, and being unjustly accused of “collaborating with the enemy.” Such rhetoric is proffered by political and religious groups”, it is said in the report.

The report also criticizes the restriction of journalists’ access to public documents.

“Journalists have been increasingly targeted by SLAPPs initiated by business groups and politicians. Furthermore, access to public information is hampered by the dysfunctionality of the Information and Privacy Agency. The Copyright Law is not upheld in practice “, the report underlines.

Part of the report refers to the financial difficulties of the media, especially those of minority communities.