Other threats to journalists, Aida Trepanić, BIRN BiH, 08.03.2022.

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Aida Trepanić
    Gender Female
    Date 08/03/2022
    City / Location
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Type of media online
    Media name BIRN BiH
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    While working on the story about the procurement of cars in public institutions, BIRN BiH journalist Aida Trepanic called Federal Minister of Justice Mato Jozic asking his statement, but he insulted her during the conversation, used derogatory expressions and addressed her in an extremely high-pitched tone, not allowing her to ask questions or to talk to him. According to the BIRN editorial office, during the conversation Jozic called the journalist’s questions “stupid”, among other things, and asked her about her age without any reason. The editorial office of BIRN BiH sent a request for a public apology to Jozic’s cabinet, and they also wrote to federal prime minister Fadil Novalic about the incident. However, to date, they have not received answers from these institutions.