IJAS: Bomb threats to the media – Authorities to step up international co-operation and speed up finding perpetrators

Source/Author: IJAS

After the Adria Media Group, last weekend Becej Mosaic, Radio Television of Vojvodina, which had to evacuate two buildings, and the Association of Journalists of Serbia, whose building also houses the premises of the Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia, were targeted by false reports about the bombs.

In the last few months, institutions in Serbia have been the victims of mass reports of planted bombs, which fortunately have so far turned out to be false. These “hackers” have now targeted the media and professional journalists’ associations.

According to the Ministry of the Interior, the threats come mainly from abroad, mostly from Poland, Gambia, Iran, Nigeria, Ukraine, Slovenia and Russia. In the past three months, several citizens of Serbia and one citizen of the Gambia have been identified and arrested.

The Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia condemns these bomb threats and any other form of harassment of citizens and calls on the competent institutions in Serbia to react faster and severely punish the perpetrators. We also call on the police and the prosecutor’s office to make additional efforts, strengthen international cooperation and do everything possible to stop further harassment of Serbian citizens.