Other threats to journalists, Jelena Jindra, Zagreb, 21.9.2021.

    Zemlja CRO
    Ime i prezime Jelena Jindra
    Spol Ženski
    Datum 21/09/2021
    Grad Zagreb
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Vrsta medija Online
    Naziv medija H-alter
    Izvor H-alter
    Pravomoćna presuda Slučaj je u tijeku
    Pravosudni status "Rješenjem o osiguranju" Općinskoga građanskog suda u Zagrebu od 21. rujna 2021., Udruzi za nezavisnu medijsku kulturu, nakladniku portala H-alter, izriče se privremena mjera zabrane objavljivanja tekstova o ravnateljici Poliklinike za zaštitu djece i mladih Grada Zagreba Gordani Buljan Flander.
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da
    Koja je bila reakcija novinarskog udruženja? HND je reagirao priopćenjem.

    Jelena Jindra published a series of articles on the H-alter portal entitled “System for child protection or child abuse?” in which she problematizes the work of Gordana Buljan Flander, and the Polyclinic for the Protection of Children and Youth in the City of Zagreb. Judge Andrija Krivak signed the decision by which H-alter is imposed a temporary measure prohibiting the publication of articles about Buljan Flander the director of the Polyclinic. At the same time, the court gave an evaluation of the journalistic research of colleague Jindra without hearing the editor or journalist and the representative of the publisher. Instead of discussing possible doubts in the regular process, the judge decided to forbid H-alter from investigating the conduct of a public institution and its director until further notice. This is the first time in the practice of the Croatian judiciary that such a ban has been passed.