Media Monitoring Report – Endangered media freedom in Europe

Source/Author: IJAS

The Center for Media Pluralism and Freedom published the latest report entitled “Monitoring media – Pluralism in the digital era” which refers to the assessment of the state of media pluralism in the member states of the European Union and five candidate states, including Serbia.


Research has shown that freedom of media and expression is restricted both in Europe and in Serbia. The media is strongly influenced by the ruling political structures, journalists work under pressure, and they are often the target of verbal and physical attacks with no end in sight. That is why they resort to self-censorship more and more often.


Assessments have been conducted regularly since 2013, and the research is based on a holistic perspective, taking into account legal, political and economic variables that are relevant to the analysis of the level of plurality in media systems in democratic societies.


Report on Serbia 

Comprehensive report for EU member states and candidates


Source: The Center for Media Pluralism and Freedom