Other threats to journalists, Benjamin Turković, Sarajevo, May 15,2017

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Benjamin Turković
    Gender Male
    Date 15/05/2017
    City / Location Sarajevo
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Dragomir Kovač
    Type of media print
    Media name Dnevni avaz
    Source Benjamin Turković
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) Law on Public Peace and Order of Kanton Sarajevo - Article 8(2a)
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction FMHL gave the jorunalists legal advices.
    Were authorities informed? Yes - Police Yes - Public

    At a trial at the Sarajevo Municipal Court where journalist Benamin Turkovic appeared as a witness in the process led by Dragomir Kovač, secretary of the BiH Ministry for Human Rights and Refugees against Avaz roto press, addressed the Turkovic journalist with the words “You’ll See”.