Attacks on journalists, Bulgarian National Television BNT, Bosilevgrad, 14.06.2022.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Ekipa Bugarske nacionalne televizije BNT
    Gender Group Bogdana Lazarov, Dimitar Slavov, Nikolaj Andreev i Robert Vecov
    Date 14/06/2022
    City / Location Bosilevgrad
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name Bugarska nacionalna televizija BNT
    Source BNT i novinari iz Bosilevgrada
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    A team of investigative journalists from the Bulgarian National Television (BNT) “Traces remain” and eco-activists from Bulgaria and Serbia were physically attacked in Serbia on June 14th on the state road in front of the “Podvirovi” mine in the village of Karamanica in the municipality of Bosilegrad. The TV crew included journalist Bogdana Lazarova, cameramen Dimitar Slavov and Nikolaj Andreev, and technician Robert Vetsov. A team of journalists from Bulgaria came to Serbia to record a story about environmental pollution in the border area in the municipality of Bosilegrad. They had all the necessary permits for filming in Serbia.

    As journalists and activists approached the mine, about 50 meters from the entrance to the mine, a minibus blocked their way, so they had to continue on foot. At that moment, six or seven people, including the director of the mine, attacked the team, first throwing stones at them, and then fists.