Threats to media outlets and organizations, Nezavisne novine, Banja Luka, 13.08.2021.

    Country BH
    Gender Group
    Date 13/08/2021
    City / Location Banjaluka
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    Type of media print online
    Media name Nezavisne novine
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    The Steering Committee of BH Journalists Association sent a public request to the Unit for the fight against cybercrime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska (MUP RS) for an urgent investigation of hacker attacks on the Nezavisne novine portal from Banja Luka ( The DDoS hacker attacks on Nezavisne started on August 10 and lasted for several days.

    Given that the hacker attacks represent a serious violation of journalistic rights and suppression of media freedom, BHJA believes that it is necessary for the MUP of RS to conduct a thorough investigation of this case as soon as possible, identify the perpetrators and sanction them in accordance with the law.