Actual Attacks on News 24 journalists, 27/07/2021, Tirana

    photo: canva
    Country AL
    Name and Surname Klodinana Lala & Ergys Gencaj
    Gender Group
    Date 27/07/2014
    City / Location Tirana
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Media name News 24
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was reported to the police

    Albanian police, in Tirana, on 27 July, at 12:30, manhandled Ergjys Gjencaj, a journalist of the “News 24” TV channel, and pushed his colleague Klodiana Lala after failing to detain a suspected criminal.

    Several police officers, without the police uniform, stopped the car of their suspect but failed to detain him. At the same time, a “News 24” car with the TV channel’s logos on all sides arrived at the scene and journalists Gjencaj and Lala got out, but after the officers failed to arrest the suspect, officers turned on journalists. One of them is seen, on video uploaded on the internet, that is grabbing the phone of Gjencaj, who is knocked to the ground. As Lala started protesting, a person in civilian clothes who is believed to be a police officer pushed her away.