Physical attack on a journalist, Petar Gajić, Belgrade, September 17, 2022.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Petar Gajić
    Pol Muški
    Datum 17/09/2022
    Grad Beograd
    Tip incidenta Napadi na novinare
    Naziv medija TV N1
    Izvor TV N1
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da
    Fizicki napadi na novinare po godini Druge forme napada

    While reporting from the event on the eve of Europride, the cameraman of the TV N1 team was approached by a young man in a red tracksuit with a hood and an anti-covid mask, and asked him to turn off the camera and told him that he had to get out of here, that he was not welcome and could not film from the rally. Journalist Petar Gajić stated: “In the meantime, I approached and introduced myself, then that young man snatched my mobile phone from my hand, said that I have to get out of here, that I can’t be here, that the police won’t be able to come fast enough to protect me and how he will take me behind the public library building to ‘explain some things to me’”. Then he returned journalist’s mobile phone and said that he “just came to warn him”. Colleagues from other media reacted to the incident, and a colleague from the daily Politika stood between Gajić and that young man, who then decided to withdraw.