MP gave up to remove online wiretap involving him and party colleagues

Source/Author: Association of Journalist of Kosovo
Source/Photo: Photo by:

PRISTINA, 18/07/2017 – Former MP, Adem Grabovci gave up at his request for removal of the leaked wiretap, involving him and his fellow party members, which were published online last year.

Grabovci’s lawyer told the judge on Tuesday that his client, Adem Grabovci is no longer seeking the removal of several episodes of leaked wiretap published by online newspaper Insajderi.

Last year, Insajderi published a series of leaked phone recordings between Adem Grabovci, the then head of parliamentary group of Democratic Party of Kosovo, PDK, and his fellow party members, including current President Hashim Thaci and Assembly speaker Kadri Veseli.

The wiretapped conversations show that Grabovci and colleagues have influenced appointments to top public sector positions.

After the publication, Adem Grabovci has sued Insajderi by requesting the removal of their publication, while the Basic Court in Pristina denied his request.

In November 2016, the Appeal Court overturned the ruling of the Basic Court by ordering the first instance to ask from the plaintiff new evidence related to his allegations.

However, in August 2016, Kosovo’s Special Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation over suspicions that Grabovci “used his official duties and authority to ensure political power and influence over decision-making processes within institutions, government agencies and public enterprises”.