Klan Kosova team hospitalized after an attack from masked persons in Zupç


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo today got notified of another severe attack against the journalists that are reporting from the north of the country.

Masked persons attacked the Klan Kosova team in Zubin Potok.

The team consisting of journalists Qëndresa Bellagoshi, Drin Demiri, the camera operator Agon Bejtullahu and the driver Elsad Sinani, were attacked today in the Zupç village.
The journalist Bellagoshi and the driver Sinani received medical treatment because the broken windows from the stones hit them in their faces. While Demiri and Bejtullahu remained unharmed.

The Kosovo Police were informed about the case.

The ongoing attacks create a serious threat to the safety of the journalists and prevent reporting on the developments in the north. Therefore, AJK asks KFOR and EULEX to play an additional role to guarantee the physical safety of the journalists, that continue to be the target of attacks organized by groups of masked persons.