Threats against the lives and physical safety of journalists, Nenad Kulacin, Belgrade, 12.01.2023.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Nenad Kulačin
    Pol Muški
    Datum 12/01/2023
    Grad Beograd
    Tip incidenta Pretnje smrću i pretnje teškim telesnim povredama
    Naziv medija Nova S
    Izvor Nenad Kulačin
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da
    Pretnje smrcu i fizicke bezbednosti novinara Pretnje smrću ili fizičkim nasiljem upućene digitalnim putem (poruka na društvenim mrežama ili imejlom)

    After the podcast “Good, Bad, Bad” in which Nenad Kulačin and Marko Vidojković called for a detailed investigation into the death of journalist Vladan Radosavljević, Kulačin received a message via the social network Facebook in which he alludes to dog bites: J**** and kerovi from Kosmaj to d*** that ugly”. Besides this, another message arrived full of insults and profanity.

    The Special Public Prosecutor’s Office for high-tech crime in Belgrade was informed about this threat.