AJK strongly condemns the brutal attack on journalist Valon Syla – urgent investigations are demanded


On Tuesday evening, three people physically attacked journalist and the head of Gazeta Metro, Valon Syla. It is reported that they have followed him from the studios of T7, where he was invited as a panelist to a debate show on this television, to Sunny Hill – a neighborhood in Pristina.

Syla received medical treatment at the University Clinical Center of Kosovo, and according to his first statements to the media, he has some head injuries.

The case has been reported to the Kosovo Police.

For the Association of Journalists of Kosovo, this attack against Syla is totally unacceptable and a serious attempt to hinder and weaken the freedom of expression and media in Kosovo.

AJK calls on the competent authorities to immediately take necessary measures to urgently arrest the responsible persons for the attack and bring them to justice.