Attack towards KOHA’s team, Zveçan, 26.05.2023

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 26/05/2023
    City / Location Zveçan
    Type of incident Attacks on media outlets and organizations
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television
    Media name KOHA
    Source KOHA
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction AJK calls on law enforcement agencies, the Kosovo Police, and the international presence in Kosovo to facilitate safe and unhindered reporting for media teams. AJK also urges journalists and newsrooms to exercise extra precautions in this difficult situation.

    KOHA’s team was attacked today in Zveçan.

    The team was attacked with stones by masked persons, but fortunately, no one was injured.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is expressing deep concern about the aggravated security situation in four municipalities in the north, where dozens of journalists, camera operators, photojournalists, and other media workers are reporting.

    AJK calls on law enforcement agencies, the Kosovo Police, and the international presence in Kosovo to facilitate safe and unhindered reporting for media teams.

    AJK also urges journalists and newsrooms to exercise extra precautions in this difficult situation.