The team of RTV 21 is being followed by an armed individual in Leposaviq


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) has received news with concern that the team of RTV 21 has been followed by masked individuals in Leposaviq.

Journalist Venhar Isufi, along with camera operator Olti Pacolli, were initially hindered while performing their professional duties. According to Isufi, they were threatened and asked to leave the scene.

“We were prevented from filming the negotiations between the former mayor of Leposaviq, Zoran Todiq, and KFOR officials,” he stated.

“We attempted to approach and record what was happening, and we were threatened by the same individuals, who told us to leave and not use our cameras. After 15 minutes, we started following the event, and a masked person with a firearm appeared and remained there.”

According to the RTV 21 team, this incident has also been reported to the Kosovo Police.

For AJK, the security of the teams reporting from the northern part of the country remains concerning, and they call on the Kosovo Police, KFOR, and EULEX to create better conditions for them.

This is the 21st case of attacks, threats, and damage to private property against media teams reporting on recent events in the municipalities in northern Kosovo.