AJK is concerned with the suspension of Klan Kosova’s business certificate


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is shocked by the announcement of the Ministry of Industry, Entrepreneurship and Trade about the suspension of the business license of the private national television, Klan Kosova, through an unprecedented decision, without stating the legal basis and without prior notice.

AJK considers the action of the government, Prime Minister Albin Kurti, and Lëvizja Vetëvendosje as unprecedented in the new history of Kosovo, and a direct attempt to dictate and control the media content of Klan Kosova.

We are concerned especially for our fellow journalists, cameramen, and other workers of Klan Kosova who will be directly negatively affected by this arbitrary decision. Moreover, we believe that such a decision was taken with the aim of conveying a message to other media outlets, and it is undeniable that the freedom of media and expression has never been more at risk than it is currently.

AJK will stay in touch with international partner organizations for media freedom to denounce this act of the Government.