Physical attack on a journalist, Srdjan Nonic, Nis, 15.01.2023.

    Država SR
    Ime i prezime Srdjan Nonic
    Pol Muški
    Datum 15/01/2023
    Grad Beograd
    Tip incidenta Napadi na novinare
    Naziv medija Online Nis Initiative
    Izvor Online Nis Initiative
    Da li je novinarsko udruženje informisano? Da
    Fizicki napadi na novinare po godini Napadi koji za rezultat imaju fizičku povredu

    The editor-in-chief of the Niš initiative, Srđan Nonić, was attacked in the center of Niš by an employee of the N.P. City Administration, after Nonić filmed him visiting a casino during working hours.

    The employee of the municipal administration first started with a series of insults and threats to break his phone, arms and legs, and in the end he physically attacked Nonić.

    The police were also called and had to intervene.