Attacks on journalists, Lejla Kašić, Herceg Novi, 10.03.2023.

    Država MN
    Ime i prezime Lejla Kašić
    Pol Ženski
    Datum 10/03/2023
    Grad Herceg Novi
    Tip incidenta Napadi na novinare
    Izvršilac/osumnjičeni Rambo Amadeus (Antonije Pušić)
    Tip medija Elektronski
    Naziv medija RTCG
    Izvor Instagram
    Od strane koga Od strane javnih ličnosti
    Da li je Sindikat bio informisan? Da
    Kakva je bila reakcija Sindikata? Sindikat medija je ponudio pravnu i stručnu pomoć.

    Poet and producer of the television show “Dnevnica” Lejla Kašić, through the social network Instagram, accused the musician Rambo Amadeus (Antoni Pušić) of sexual harassment. She reported the incident to the UNICEF representative office for Montenegro, considering that the musician is the organization’s goodwill ambassador.

    As she said, everything happened on Friday, March 10, during the recording of the show, when Pušić touched her inappropriately. The crew found out about it only after the camera lights went out, although there is also a video in the raw material in which Pušić calls her a “stupid”. Instead of an apology, she received a series of insults from Pušić that she was a “stupid”, “crazy”,… Sometime later, she also received a message, in which the musician “explains” to her that she misunderstood everything and misinterpreted his impression that “we can be good friends”.