AJK is shocked with Kosovo Government decision to shut down Klan Kosova


Association of Journalists of Kosovo is alarmed with the decision of Complaint Commission of Ministry of Industry, Entrepreunship and Trade to turn down the complaint of Klan Kosova TV, meaning the suspension of its business certificate remains in place.

With this decision, Minister Rozeta Hajdari, part of Kurti Government has finalized all the necessary administrative procedures to shut down Klan Kosova. Even though this decision can be sent to the courts, this decision is clearly one from Vetevendosje and PM Kurti to shut down a TV station, a first since the end of war in Kosovo.

AJK believes that since the beginning this has been a politically motivated decision from the ruling party and PM Kurti Government, in their attempts to close down Kosovo’s biggest private TV channel. Today’s decision of the Ministry led by Minister Hajdari confirms the open and unprecedented war of this Government against media, and it serves as a warning that other media will be a target next.

AJK encourages Klan Kosova to carry on the battle in the courts and believes the justice system will not allow the closure of a media in Kosovo.

Today’s political decision of Kurti Government is the most brutal attack against media freedoms in Kosovo since the end of the war.