Actual attack against cameraman Parid Dado, 05/10/2023, Tirana

    Country AL
    Name and Surname Parid Doda
    Gender Male
    Date 05/10/2023
    City / Location Tirana
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom By public officials
    Name of the perpetrator Flamur Noka
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes

    An unexpected event occurred on the 5th of October, during the plenary session as Democratic Party MP, Flamur Noka struck the cameraman Parid Dado representing Vizion Plus media channel, with the Assembly’s regulation book.

    Noka claimed that the operator was recording the MPs’ phones, specifically focusing on the phone of PD leader Sali Berisha, who was watching a denunciation video on “WhatsApp”. However, the Speaker of the Assembly, Lindita Nikolla, quickly intervened, cautioning Noka to treat the free media with respect.

    “Po filmonte telefonin e Berishës”/ Flamur Noka godet operatorin në Kuvend, Nikolla i tërheq vëmendjen: Kujdes me mediat!