Actual attack on journalist, Maja Đurić, Sremska Mitrovica, 28.08.2023.

    Country SR
    Name and Surname Maja Đurić
    Gender Female
    Date 28/08/2023
    City / Location Sremska Mitrovica
    Type of incident Actual attacks on journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media Radio and television online
    Media name TV N1
    Source Igor Božić
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    Were authorities informed? Case was not reported to the police Case was reported to the Prosecutor’s Office

    N1 journalist Maja Đurić was first verbally attacked by a security guard at the Mitros factory in Sremska Mitrovica, and then physically pushed away. At the time of the threat and attack, the journalist was on public ground in front of the factory, preparing for reporting, when a security guard tried to remove the N1 crew, with the question, in whose name are you filming?

    When the journalist introduced herself, the security worker asked the journalist to identify herself, which was followed by threats with the words: “Now you will see what will happen to you.” After that, the same person filmed the journalist with a mobile phone and followed her. The journalist tried to prevent the recording by covering the screen with her hand, and on that occasion the worker pushed her away and continued recording.