PRISTINA, 08.11.2017 – AJK condemns the language used by Kosovo’s Parliament Speaker Kadri Veseli in an event in Pristina accusing a journalist for being ‘politicised journalist’.
Journalist Saranda Ramaj said that she was verbally insulted by Parliament Speaker after she made a question to him. “Today Kadri Veseli visited QKUK. My question was: Why are your politicising the construction of hospital in Ferizaj since the money for this project is committed and the tender has been published by previous government?” Rama posted a status in Facebook.
Veseli refused to answer the question. “Veseli accused me for being a politicised journalist and that I am making ordered questions”, Ramaj said. Several towns in Kosovo are running for the second round for mayor elections. The second round will be held on November 19th 2017.
“Referring to the way of the answer and negative connotations, we ask Parliament Speaker, every politician and state leaders to select better forms of objections rather than raising such charges that aims to damage the image of journalists,” AJK’s said in press release.
AJK stated that it considers that Parliament Speaker should have handled a question professionally by providing necessary arguments and not act like this.