Derogatory language towards “Betimi për Drejtësi”, Prishtinë, 24.02.2023

    Country KO
    Gender Group
    Date 24/02/2023
    City / Location Prishtine
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom By public persons
    Name of the perpetrator Agron Beka
    Type of media online
    Media name Betimi per Drejtesi
    Source Betimi per Drejtesi
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction AJK expresses concern about the language used in this meeting regarding the TV show "Betimi për Drejtësi", and calls not to use public institutions to lynch the media.

    The Association of Journalists of Kosovo – AJK, has been informed regarding the accusations made by Agron Beka, a member of the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council – KPC against the TV show “Betimi për Drejtësi” during the KPC meeting on Thursday.

    On February 18, 2023, KTV aired an episode of the show “Betimi për Drejtësi” titled “Institutional Clashes for Agron Beka”. In this episode, Beka was featured as the protagonist who was implicated as a suspect for alleged misconduct in his official duties, according to criminal reports.

    During the KPC meeting, Beka stated that the show’s content was “commissioned” and compared it to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

    The Kosovo Law Institute and the show “Betimi për Drejtësi” reacted to Beka, saying that the investigation was carried out in full compliance with the highest ethical and professional norms. They provided evidence and facts while also giving him sufficient time to be interviewed and explain his side of the story.

    AJK expresses concern about the language used in this meeting regarding the TV show “Betimi për Drejtësi”, and calls not to use public institutions to lynch the media.