BH journalists: Konaković’s statement is contrary to EU standards of political independence of PBS, Sarajevo, 9.2.2024.

    Država BH
    Grad Sarajevo
    Ime i prezime Elmedin Konaković
    Pol Muškarac
    Datum 09/02/2024
    Prekršeni zakoni i članovi (nacionalni) Law on Freedom of Information
    Da li je Udruženje/Udruga BH Novinari informisano? Da
    Kako je Udruženje/Udruga BH Novinari reagovalo? Press Release: Steering Board of the BH Journalists considers the recent statement by Minister Konaković absolutely unacceptable and harmful to Bosnia and Herzegovina's European path, as the protection of public information and the political independence of public services (alongside media freedom and journalist safety) are among the 14 conditions that the state must fulfill to have the opportunity to open EU accession negotiations. In this context, the Administrative Board of BH Journalists demands that the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina return the resolution of the crisis in the collection and lawful distribution of the public broadcasting fee in both entities back to the institutional system. The Council of Ministers and the state Parliament must halt any attempt at "political trading," acceptance of "compromises," or adoption of any solutions that would restrict freedom of expression and citizens' right to access public and pluralistic sources of information as fundamental democratic values!
    Ostale prijetnje novinarima V

    Steering Board of the BH Journalists reminds that Konaković, for years, in his capacity as the President of the NiP (People’s Justice Party) and/or various public positions he has held, has shown a fundamental lack of understanding of media freedoms and standards of freedom of expression. He has targeted journalists dozens of times and questioned their safety and dignified work, using political manipulations and institutional pressures. This time, he went a step further – he brutally and politically attacked public services, demonstrating a complete lack of understanding of EU values ​​in the public information system, within which political independence and working in the public interest are at the top.