Other threats to journalists, Emir Felić, Sarajevo, 08.08.2017

    Country BH
    Name and Surname Emir Felić
    Gender Male
    Date 08/08/2017
    City / Location Sarajevo
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Name of the perpetrator Dejan Jazvić
    Type of media online
    Media name FENA
    Source Emir Felić
    Article and legislation violated (nationally) Ethical Codex
    Judiciary status After this verbal threats, Emir Felić was sued for defamation, for the same text he was threatened for, by Dejan Jazvić. A release judgment was rendered.
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction Bh Journalists and the Free Media Help Line sent a letter to the Government of the Federation to comment on the members election for the Steering Committee. The Urgency for the Government of FBiH to make a statement was submitted in August 2017. BH Jouurnalists Steering Board has issued a Press Release. Dejan Jazvic, editor-in-chief and board member, filed a lawsuit against Emir Felić through the Municipal Court of Sarajevo. Free Media Help Line engaged a lawyer from its team, and a response to the lawsuit was submitted to the Sarajevo Municipal Court. In October 2017, FMHL provided a letter to the Chairman of the FENA Management Board and the Director of FENA.

    Dejan Jazvić, editor-in-chief of FENA appointed as a member of the executive committee of the news agency, threatened journalists Emir Felić and two others for reporting the unlawfully elected members of the board of directors.

    After this, Emir Felić was sued for defamation by Dejan Jazvić.