Threats towards’s journalists, Prizren, 04.04.2024

    Country KO
    Gender Group Selim Miftari dhe Përparim Tufa
    Date 04/04/2024
    City / Location Prizren
    Type of incident Other threats to journalists
    By whom To journalists by citizens
    Type of media online
    Media name
    Was journalist`s association informed Yes
    What was journalists' association reaction The AJK condemns the threat, which puts open pressure on the media's work and endangers journalists' safety. AJK demands that when hearings are held in public, judicial institutions all over the country ensure that journalists and media can work freely and without hindrance.

    A team from the online portal, consisting of journalist Selim Miftari and camera operator Pëparim Tufa, has been seriously threatened and hindered in their work. The incident occurred during a session at the Basic Court in Prizren.

    According to the media, a defendant with the initials V.H. obstructs the team’s work in the presence of the case’s judge, telling them not to record and erase the footage.

    During the incident, he took the camera from the camera operator, Përparim Tufa, and told him “Sit down”, later on he warned the’s team, saying: “The recording you did in the hallway, don’t dare you to post it anywhere. And this is a direct threat, therefore you can say it is a threat”

    The AJK condemns the threat, which puts open pressure on the media’s work and endangers journalists’ safety. AJK demands that when hearings are held in public, judicial institutions all over the country ensure that journalists and media can work freely and without hindrance.