Threats against media, Novosti and other media and journalists, Zagreb, 23.04.2024.

    Zemlja CRO
    Spol Grupa novinara
    Datum 23/04/2024
    Vrsta napada Druge prijetnje upućene novinarima
    Je li novinarsko udruženje bilo obaviješteno? Da

    Ivan Penava, the president of the “Domovinski pokret” waved with covers of the Novosti weekly during his press conference on Tuesday, demonstrating why his party will not enter into a coalition with the SDSS (Serbian minority party closely associated with the Serbian National Council, which publishes Novosti). Such waving of media covers is alarming because the “Domovinski pokret” is one of the parties negotiating the formation of a new government, while its political program includes, among other things, “Collaborating with the Ministry of Science to review funding allocated to the Novosti weekly and other portals and publications due to their obvious anti-Croatian activities developed over the years.”

    Additionally, during the press conference, Penava engaged in arguments with female journalists. He displayed a negative attitude towards journalists, telling them “you exude nonsense.”