RTCG employees joined to Trade Union of Media of Montenegro

Source/Author: SMCG
Source/Photo: SMCG/RTCG

PODGORICA, 12.12.2017 – Trade Union of National Broadcasting Service (RTCG) joined to the Union of Free Trade Unions of Montenegro (USSCG) and the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (SMCG), as a representative branch trade union in media area.

Thus, the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro almost doubled its membership. So far SMCG gathered around 300 members from approx. 20 Montenegrin private media and local public broadcasters, and with the arrival of colleagues from RTCG Trade Union this figure has almost doubled. SMCG is now officially the largest branch union in this area and it gathers almost 50% of the total number of media employees in Montenegro.

We wish warm welcome to our colleagues form RTCG who recognized SMCG and USSCG as organizations that can help them in their work, and we hope that jointly we will improve their economic position and labor rights as well as the status of all employees in other Montenegrin media. Media workers in Montenegro must be solidary, organized in trade unions and introduced with their rights because only thus we can make influence on our working conditions and improved them.

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