AJK: IMC Law adopted by Kosovo Assembly is an attack against media freedom and an attempt to discipline and control them


The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is very concerned after the Kosovo Assembly voted on the Independent Media Commission Law.

Vetevendosje Movement of PM Kurti has voted the Law with a minimum quorum, with opposition boycotting the voting.

The ruling political party ignored the concerns of media and civil society, as it did with the Council of Europe Expert report, which concluded most of the Laws are not in line with European standards, including those of CoE which Kosovo aims to join. This was brought to the attention of the lawmakers, by Speaker Glauk Konjufca, as well.

Today’s decision is one of the worst attacks of the Kosovo Government and Vetëvendosje against media freedoms in Kosovo, in an attempt to discipline and control the media, which started when they took power.

Today’s decision will have a negative impact on Kosovo rankings in the media freedom index of the related organizations.

AJK calls for all legal and constitutional means to be used, to prevent the implementation of the law as it is.