Verbal threat, Agim Ademi, 15.12.2017, Lipjan

Verbal threat, Agim Ademi, 15.12.2017, Lipjan

Translations: Pristina 

  • Case info

  • Personal info

  • Regional center
  • Gender
  • Victim(s) name
    Agim Ademi
  • Media outlet

  • Name of the media outlet
    Koha Ditore
  • Type of media platform
    Printed Media
  • Source of information about the incident
    Vet gazetari
  • Incident Data

  • Date of incident
  • City
  • Perpetrator(s)
    Not known
  • Attacked by
    (ordinary) citizens
  • Type of incident
    Other threats to journalists
  • Action by the authorities

  • Action taken by the journalists' association

  • Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?

Association of Journalists of Kosovo is informed from its member Agim Ademi, correspondent of daily Koha Ditore that feels threatened and blackmailed by the citizen Naim Gashi, because of his articles related to a trial.

Ademi said that it’s been a while that Gashi has made pressures against him because of stories related to him.

The last pressure comes after the article was published in Koha Ditore which was about a decision from the Basic Court in Pristina that ordered Naim Gashi to appear at Dubrava prison for his sentence of nine months.

“Why are you writing about me, why was the story about court’s order? Now I will do my job,” Gashi told journalist on December 9th, 2017, said Ademi.

This is unacceptable for AJK and we ask for quick investigation on the matter as well as undertake necessary measures according to the law.