The SafeJournalists Network joins the Association of Journalists of Kosovo (AJK) in expressing deep concern over yesterday’s decision by the Independent Media Commission (IMC) to elect a new chairperson through a fast-tracked process, just days before the expiration of the mandate of the current Chairperson, Jeton Mehmeti. This decision undermines the independence of the IMC and raises serious legal concerns about the recent amendments to the IMC Regulation, which stipulate that a new chairperson should only be elected after the expiration of the current mandate or in the event of dismissal.
The change in the Regulation was apparently made by intentionally bypassing the requirement to put the proposed changes through a 15-day public debate, a crucial step that ensures all stakeholders can provide their input before adoption. This deliberate oversight not only raises serious concerns about direct irregularities in the process but also creates a significant conflict of interest, undermining the independence of the institution. Furthermore, questions remain about the transparency and fairness of the process, particularly regarding the selection of the new candidate, which appears to have been influenced by political motives rather than merit or adherence to democratic standards.
“We saw this coming for some time, as some of the members of the Independent Media Commission have publicly sided with the governing party on many occasions. The fast procedure of changing the Regulation to accommodate the election of a new Chairperson raises serious legal uncertainties and should be challenged within the judicial system. We commend the work of the outgoing Chairperson, Jeton Mehmeti, who has worked to maintain the IMC as an independent media regulation body. Today’s decision goes against this and marks the beginning of political interference by the governing Vetevendosje party of PM Kurti,” said Xhemajl Rexha, Chairperson of AJK.
The SafeJournalists Network reiterates that the IMC, as a constitutional body, plays a critical role in regulating Kosovo’s media landscape. It must remain free from political influence to effectively uphold its mandate of safeguarding media freedom and ensuring impartial regulation. Political interference in institutions such as the IMC sets a dangerous precedent and threatens the democratic principles that underpin media independence.
We call on all relevant institutions to review and challenge this decision in accordance with the rule of law and to ensure the independence of the IMC is preserved. Additionally, we urge international stakeholders and civil society organizations to closely monitor this situation and support efforts to protect media freedom in Kosovo.
The SafeJournalists Network stands in solidarity with its member organization, AJK, and will continue to monitor and report on any developments that threaten the independence of media regulators in the region.
The SafeJournalists Network will inform relevant national and international stakeholders.
Every attack on journalists is an attack on the public interest, democracy, and the rights of all citizens.
Pristina – Skopje – Sarajevo – Zagreb – Belgrade – Podgorica, 18.1.2025
Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Association of Journalists of Macedonia
Association BH Journalists
Croatian Journalists’ Association
Independent Journalists’ Association of Serbia
Trade Union of Media of Montenegro