Threats against media outlets and organizations,, BNTV, Nezavisne novine, BHRT, Banja Luka, 08.02.2025.

Threats against media outlets and organizations,, BNTV, Nezavisne novine, BHRT, Banja Luka, 08.02.2025.

Translations: Sarajevo 

  • Case info

  • Personal info

  • Regional center
  • Who was attacked?
  • Group members' names and surnames, BNTV, Nezavisne novine, BHRT
  • Media outlet

  • Name of the media outlet, BNTV, BHRT, Nezavisne novine
  • Type of media platform
    Printed Media
    Online Media
  • Source of information about the incident
    Media - RTRS
  • Incident Data

  • Date of incident
  • City
    Banja Luka
  • Perpetrator(s)
    Known (suspected)
  • Attacked by
    By public official(s) and/or representative(s) of the executive power
    Politician(s) / political party(ies) (other than public officials)
  • Means of incidents and attacks
    Through media outlets (broadcast, print, online)
  • Type of incident
    Threats against media outlets and organizations
  • Type of threat
    Aggressive, harassing or discriminatory statements
  • Action by the authorities

  • Police action
  • Public prosecutor's action
  • Court action
  • Legal status of the case
    The procedure is in the investigative phase
  • Action taken by the journalists' association

  • Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?
  • What was the reaction of the journalists' association?
    The association reacted publicly
    The association informed international organizations and institutions

Sarajevo/Banja Luka, 08.02.2025. The Steering Board of the BH Journalists Association (BHJA) and Free Media Help Line consider illegal and anti-constitutional attempts made by Milorad Dodik, president of Republika Srpska, to criminalize journalists and civil society organizations for, as he claims, illegal spending of USAID donations and tearing down of Republika Srpska along the orders of the US administration in Bosnia and Herzegovina. At the press conference held in Banja Luka on February 7, with the live broadcast on RTRS Public Broadcast Service, Milorad Dodik has announced, followed with set of political manipulations, slanders and threats, a police investigation against those who have received USAID grants and other forms of US support. On this occasion he specifically attacked and BN Television, accusing them, without any arguments, of working in the interest of foreign donors, and against the president of Republika Srpska and his family. Also, he spoke about the work of Nezavisne novine, saying without any facts that these newspapers have been printed and edited in the US Embassy in Sarajevo. Finally, he spoke against web portal Klix and Public Broadcast Service BHRT. 

Although verbal excesses and political escapades are not rare in Dodik’s public communication, at yesterday’s press conference he did not only “conduct an investigation”, but he also “passed judgement” for BNTV and web portal, and in a manner of political inquisition he announced institutional persecution of journalists and opponents in media and civil society.

BHJA finds especially unacceptable mentioning of late Željko Kopanja, former owner and editor of Nezavisne novine, and doing so in a very problematic political context which credibility is impossible to check nowdays. BHJA dismiss the attempt of destroying the reputation of former editor of Nezavisne novine, and are inviting Milorad Dodik, as president of the RS, to insist on finding the perpetrators of the bomb attack on Željko Kopanja in 1999. and on bringing those perpetrators to justice.

Finally, the Steering Board of BHJA invites the “accused” media and journalists from Republika Srpska to file a collective lawsuit against Milorad Dodik for false accusation, with faith in fair trial, independent work and former practice of juristic institutions in Banja Luka.