Mogherini warns of deteriorating conditions for journalists

Source/Author: N1/Beta
Source/Photo: Photo:

BRUSSELS,03.05.2018. – The European Union’s top diplomat warned on Wednesday of deteriorating working conditions for journalists and a lack of freedom of speech and the media across the world.

“Attacks on the media and journalists are attacks on democracy, on the freedom of all of us,” EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said in a statement for World Media Freedom day.

She paid homage to the journalists who lost their lives while doing their job. Mogherini called all countries across the world to condemn violence against journalists and take step to improve security, especially for women journalists, and punish perpetrators of violence.

Freedom of speech plays a key role in strengthening good governance, transparency and accountability and independent journalism is crucial to overseeing democratic processes, the statement said. “Free, diverse and independent media, on the Internet or not, are the pillars of a pluralist and open society and bear great responsibility in guaranteeing verified and correct news,” Mogherini said.

The EU will continue to consistently condemn violence against journalists and will fight laws, regulations and political pressure which limit freedom of speech, she said. “We confirm the determination of the EU to continue to strengthen freedom of thought and expression as a right which everyone should have anywhere,” Mogherini said in her statement.