AJK calls on institutions to investigate allegations against Tribuna Media Group

Source/Author: Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: AJK logo

PRISTINA, 23.07.2018 – The Association of Journalists of Kosovo is concerned with reporting in a media related to non-payment of salaries and the violation to other labur rights by Tribuna Media Group towards its journalists, cameraman and producers, who have worked and those who continue to work for this media.

AJK called on the country’s institutions, namely the Labour Inspectorate and the State Prosecution to investigate these allegations where journalists were not paid for their work, and there were also mistreatment and violation of their labour rights by the media owners of “Tribuna Media Group”.

The Association expresses its willingness to assist all affected colleagues who have been subject to any violation and denial of their rights so that they can follow legal channels to the relevant institutions.

More than a year ago, AJK dealt with similar complain from a group of cameramen from “Tribuna Media Group” that it did not compensate them for the work they did. The case was submitted to the Labour Inspectorate and now the case
is within the Basic Court of Pristina.

AJK invites all journalists that are dealing with such situation to report their cases. AJK remains committed in the protection of journalists’ rights and freedom.