CJA condemns unfounded accusation of the SDP candidate against journalists Tomislav Krasnec and supports Electoral Ethical Council decision

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In 24sata daily on September 9 an article by Tomislav Krasnec was published. In the article Krasnec wrote about results of his checking of existence of a document from 2013 Andrej Plenković in his pre-election meetings said existed, but was confidential. The existence of that document was denied by Neven Mimica, European Commissioner and Zoran Milanović, SDP president. Tomislav Krasnec checked that with European Commission.

Damir Tomić, SDP candidate from Đakovo, IV electoral unit, at his comment on Twitter attacked Tomislav Krasnec falsely accusing him to write pro HDZ. Tomislav Krasnec reported it to Electoral Ethical Council and it decided that Damir Tomić’s comment was offending and insinuating, and that constitutes violation of Electoral Ethical Code.

Croatian Journalists’ Association condemns the SDP candidate’s attack against journalist Krasnić and supports Ethical Council decision. The CJA calls once more every journalist to verify every statement made by politicians during elections and after and to report about every attack they experience while doing their jobs.

Saša Leković, CJA president