ZAGREB, 08.03.2018. – According to the Annual Plan for Calls for Proposals for 2018 call for proposal for applications “Community Media” should be announced in April this year. It target however just non-profit publishers has been confirmed to Croatian Journalists’ Association (CJA) in the Ministry of Culture. That decision means that the Ministry accepted CJA’s arguments that the money from that fund (European Social Fund, ESF) could be used exclusively for non-profit media.
We want to ring to your attention that ever since new Minister of Culture took her position there was the plan to assign financial means from “Community Media program both to non-profit and commercial media. The Minster talked about that plan in her interview to CJA web portal (www.hnd.hr). CJA on more than one occasion insisted on a clear definition of community media (exclusively non-profit media) based on experts’ opinions in the field of community media.
Specific goals of “Community Media” program are to fight against poverty and social exclusion by promoting integration into the job market and to fight all kinds of discrimination, says ESF in its Annual Plan. Admissible activities are even organization and implementation of educational programs for journalists and production of media content aimed to make vulnerable social groups more visible.
Single beneficiary may get the grant of approximately 450.000 – 1,400.000 kunas.
Creating applications for “Community media” program that is valid more than 30 million kunas have started in 2015.
Source: esf.hr, Ministry of Culture