Discrimination against women at the workplace present also in the media

Source/Author: TUMM
Source/Photo: canva.com

PODGORICA, 30.10.2020. – A survey conducted by the Trade Union of Media of Montenegro (TUMM) about attitudes towards gender discrimination in relation to work showed that the majority of respondents believe that it also exists in the media sector.

Almost 79% of respondents believe that there is discrimination against women in the media. As many as 23% of respondents stated that they were victims of discrimination, and almost 36% that they knew a person who, in their opinion, was exposed to discrimination. Such a behavior in most cases was reflected in unequal treatment by the superior. Only 6% of such cases were reported.

The TUMM recently conducted a survey on attitudes about gender discrimination at work. The survey was conducted anonymously, between 16 July and 4 August, and involved 152 respondents of various educational and professional profiles.

In general, two thirds of respondents, or as many as 66%, believe that there is discrimination against women in the workplace. Also, as many as 52% of respondents stated that they were either victims of discrimination or that they knew the person who was.

As they stated, discrimination was most often reflected in unequal treatment by a superior, and then in the decision to terminate employment, while it was less often the case that it was unequal earnings for the same job.

What is particularly worrying is that the vast majority of such cases, as much as 92%, remain unreported to both the competent authorities and the employer or one of the services within the company.

The free legal aid program, implemented by the TUMM, offers all women who feel they have been discriminated against on the basis of gender in the workplace, the necessary legal assistance and the necessary advice to resolve the case. Contact phone: 020/878-021; e-mail: [email protected]

The service is part of the project “Equality through Justice: Cases of Discrimination against Women at Work”, which we implement under the grant Center for Women’s Rights / Women’s Rights Center and the action “Improvement of Women’s Labor Rights”, implemented by the Kosovo Women’s Network, with financial support of European Union and the Swedish Agency for Cooperation and Development.