The project “Go Digital Against Harassment”, is jointly implemented by JABiHuEU and Foundation Mediacentar Sarajevo: It aims at mapping the problem of online threats and abuse of journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and to increase capacities of media professionals to protect themselves from online abuse. Eventually, it is created to strengthen cooperation between the media, the CSO sector and relevant institutions on the protection of journalists from online abuse, and to inform the public about the problem of online abuse and threats toward journalists. The project includes publishing a comprehensive report on online threats against journalists in Bosnia and Herzegovina and an online manual for journalists on how to be protected and react to online threats.
“Professional work, the way we work, the facts that we gather, the evidence that we provide, which are unpardonable, actually guard us from threats and attacks. Journalists need to talk about threats publicly. ” Selma Učanbarlić, CIN journalist, Sarajevo.
JaBiHEU and Media Center implement the EU supported project #godigitalagainstharassment as a small grants program within the Regional Platform for advocating media freedom and journalists’ safety.