Harlem Desir, the OSCE Freedom of the Media Representative reacted to breaking into the office of AJK

Source/Author: The Association of Journalists of Kosovo
Source/Photo: H_D_Tweeter Account

PRISHTINA, 11. 12. 2019 – Breaking into the office of the Association of Journalists of Kosovo on December 6th, 2019 has concerned all of them who support the journalists and their work.

A reaction as well as came from Harlem Desir the OSCE Freedom of the Media Representatives reacted. He expressed his concern about the act, while those responsible for this will be brought to justice.

“Concerned about the break-in at the office of the Association of Journalists of #Kosovo on 6.12., during which some of their equipment was taken. My Office will closely follow the investigation and I hope that those responsible for this will be brought to justice. #JournoSafe”

This has not been the only reaction to the case of the break-in AJK office. The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, The Western Balkan’s Regional Platform for Advocating Media Freedom and Journalists’ Safety SEWP and the whole journalism community have condemned the act.