Translations: Sarajevo
Case info
Personal info
- Regional centerSarajevo
- Who was attacked?Group
- Group members' names and, BNTV, Nezavisne novine, BHRT, Klix
Media outlet
- Name of the media, BNTV, BHRT, Nezavisne novine, Klix
- Type of media platformRadio
Printed Media
Online Media - Source of information about the incidentMedia - RTRS
Incident Data
- Date of incident07.02.2025
- CityBanja Luka
- Perpetrator(s)Known (suspected)
- Attacked byBy public official(s) and/or representative(s) of the executive power
Politician(s) / political party(ies) (other than public officials) - Means of incidents and attacksThrough media outlets (broadcast, print, online)
- Type of incidentThreats against media outlets and organizations
- Type of threatAggressive, harassing or discriminatory statements
Action by the authorities
- Police actionn/a
- Public prosecutor's actionn/a
- Court actionn/a
- Legal status of the caseThe procedure is in the investigative phase
Action taken by the journalists' association
- Was journalist's association informed by the journalists directly?Yes
- What was the reaction of the journalists' association?The association reacted publicly
The association informed international organizations and institutions
At the press conference held in Banja Luka on February 7, 2025. Milorad Dodik, the president of Republika Srpska, using political manipulations, heavy slander, street language and a threatening tone, announced police investigations against the media that received USAID – these grants and other forms of American aid. On this occasion, he particularly attacked the portal and BN television, accusing them without arguments of working in the interest of foreign donors and against the president of the RS and his family. He also made factually unfounded assessments about the work of Nezavisne novine, asserting that this newspaper was edited and printed at the US Embassy in Sarajevo, and against the Klix portal and the Public Service BHRT.
The management board of BH Journalists reacted with a statement and called on the media and journalists to file a collective lawsuit against the president of Republika Srpska.